Monday, November 22, 2010

I Haven't Got Any In So Long That I'm Starting To Delusionally Believe I'm Funny

I think I know what its like to be married.

My boyfriend and I have been working on something together for the past two weeks or so, and we've spent practically every waking moment every day in each other's company. We see each other from about eight in the morning to about ten to eleven in the evening. The other night, we were working till one thirty.

Because we're working, though, and in a group, at that, we spend most of that time being professional and not engaging in any displays of affection.

Occasionally, we take a walk or go get coffee, but for the most part, we've spent all the time in each others' immediate vicinity, just talking about work-like things.

We also unconsciously cover for each other. He had a family emergency about a week ago and had to leave immediately, so naturally, I took on all his work. When someone else in our team commended me for it, I realized that I hadn't even thought of not doing it - it seemed natural. In the same manner, no matter how much work he has, or how stressed he his, he never thinks twice before running to the chemist for some medicine if I'm feeling under the weather.

Despite all that, though, we try and maintain a respectable amount of distance and keep our personal lives personal. Some days, we're in the same room all day, and barely say anything directly to each other.

Plus, we haven't been in bed together in almost a month.

lol jkzz, im so funni.

5 sympathized:

Anonymous said...

so whats up with you? why are you not writing anymore?

DAFT PUNK said...

yeah mannn, you cant just quit cuz i stopped reading your blog for a while. :P

Daft Punk Again said...

LOL now she approves comments and shit.

things did change around here, didn't they?

Anonymous said...

yea they did. She got careful with the account and her writing. Blah! I miss the you-can-go-fuck-yourself Trillian!

Trillian said...

And just for that, you can go fuck yourself.


Nah, I'm kidding.

I didn't care careful, I just got smart. I don't need to take shit from trolls, so I just moderate their comments out.

Also, Daft, man, without you, my blog is nothing.