Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lost And Found

I suppose an explanation is in order.

A little while ago, I logged into blogger to find that my blog had simply disappeared. I had no idea what had happened. I still don't. I suspect it was a blogger glitch, though the tech I wrote to denied it. I still have most of my writing, thanks to an ardent fan (stalker is such a strong word) who kept it all in word documents, so not all is lost.

I feel a little cheated, of course, that my writing won't be here for posterity like I originally intended. More than two years of this blog has come down to these two posts, now. It's kind of sad, really.

I stopped writing for a while because I was so distraught. I know it sounds very unnecessarily dramatic, but when your only outlet gets ripped away, it hurts.

Eventually, all the stuff I needed to say kept backing up in my system, clogging up my memory space and making me slower, so I just logged in and wrote a post.

No more dramatics.
I promise.

Did you exchange a walk on part in the war
for the lead role in a caaage?

4 sympathized:

TheStalker said...

Ha ha.
Maybe I'll put on ribbed tights for ya.

Spectator said...

I had thought in a bout of impulse, you yourself trashed your blog.

Trillian said...

Not that self destructive yet.


triloki nagpal said...

that sounds scary - the blog disappearing. I am writing my memoirs - which I hope shall see the light of the day in the form of a book. looks like i need to keep some copy somewhere.